
Seminar: Optoelectronic Components for Near and Mid Infrared, Based on Ge-Rich SiGe Alloys @ 4124 Mackenzie Building, Carleton Univeristy
Feb 14 @ 14:30 – 16:00

A WIE/Photonics Seminar

Presented by Dr. Vladyslav Vakarin
Postdoctoral Researcher

Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2017
Time: 2:30 to 4:00
Location: 4124 Mackenzie Building

All departments welcome

In collaboration with:

Seminar: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy in Smart Green Communities; A Game Theory Approach in Transactional Demand @ Algonquin College, T-Building, Room T129
Feb 15 @ 17:35 – 18:35


  • Refreshments, Registration and Networking: 18:00
  • Seminar: 18:30 – 20:00.

PLACE: Algonquin College, T-Building, Room T129, 1385 Woodroffe Ave., Ottawa.
PARKING: No fee after 5 p.m. at the Parking Lots 8 & 9. Please respect restricted areas

By Dr. Javad Fattahi, University of Ottawa SAGE Lab


The immediate consequence of shift from uniform to as-bid pricing would be a radical change in bidding behaviour that would introduce new inefficiencies, weaken competition in new generation, and impede expansion in capacity. Furthermore, using DER and purchasing its power to sew up supplies at favourable rates is not a zero-sum game, and may not obtain those favourable rates that are excepted to be typically obtained at the expense of smaller buyers. To tackle the above mentioned challenges, a self-fulfilling prophecy approach may be used which defines a impartial credit mechanism to deal with the strategic behaviour of big and small players in a shortterm auction game. It can be shown for a N-player dynamic game the Nash Equilibrium (NE) under pay-as-bid pricing will yield a larger and flatten demand being served when demand is elastic. Moreover, this multi-strategy approach can potentially fulfil the other smart-grid needs such as demand response, green house gas reduction and so on. This method is fully aligned with the scalability and interoperability requirements of smart grid standards in the presence of elastic demand.

Speakers Bio

Javad Fattahi received the B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Isfahan University of Technology in 2003. He received his M.Sc. in 2011 and Ph.D. in 2015 in Mechatronics Engineering (Control and Robotics) from Sharif University of Technology and the University of Ottawa, respectively. Since then, he has been active in the field in distributed control, power electronics, IoT sensors, and embedded computing as a research associate in the Smart Autonomous Grid Edge laboratory (SAGE-Lab) at uOttawa. His research interests are in the areas related to systems control, including embedded computer control, linear/nonlinear systems, and control systems for advanced motion and power electronics applications.

Workshop: Lumerical: an industry-standard photonics simulation software @ AP340, Carleton University
Mar 23 @ 13:00 – 16:00

Proudly presented by the IEEE Women-in-Engineering Ottawa Chapter and Carleton University SPIE Student Chapter

Learn to use the industry-standard photonic simulation software from Lumerical

Date: Friday, March 23, 2018

Time: 1:00pm to 4:00pm

Location: AP340 (Carleton University)

Registration: Please email to register

Networking: Lunch at 11:30 (FREE with SPIE membership, or $15)

Topics: basics, optimizing your simulation, scripting, Q&A session

Seminar: Fundamentals and Advances in Power Integrity Modeling and Analysis Methods @ Fidus Systems Inc.
Apr 17 @ 17:00 – 19:00

Speaker : Dr. Ihsan Erdin, Celestica, Ottawa

Topic : Fundamentals and Advances in Power Integrity Modeling and Analysis Methods

Parking : Free

Registration: Free, and is on a first to reply basis. Preference given to IEEE EMC/MTT/AP/CPMT society members. Seating is limited. E-mail Reservation is required. Pizza and soft drinks will be served.

Organizer: Dr. Syed Bokhari, Chairman, IEEE Ottawa EMC chapter
Office :(613) 595 – 0507 Ext. 377, Cell: (613) 355 – 6632

Dr. Qingsheng Zeng , Chairman of the IEEE Ottawa MTT/AP Chapters



For multicore processors with current loads exceeding 100 A, the power noise is not only a growing electromagnetic interference (EMI) concern, but also a potential logic problem in high-speed printed circuit designs. Depending on the type of application, on-board or on-package local decoupling capacitors are the most commonly used components to mitigate this problem. The board/package real-estate concerns, however, impede the haphazard placement of these components and makes imperative the use of optimization methods for their most effective placement and selection. The computation of power noise in high-speed designs lies at the core of all optimization techniques. For decades, the computation methods that rely on lumped circuit theory have been very popular as quick and dirty analysis tools. At today’s circuit speeds, however, they are too simplistic for accurate results. Numerical electromagnetic analysis tools are arguably the reliable alternatives but they are computationally too intensive for repetitive analysis. Semi-analytic algorithms based on planar circuit theory will be discussed as a balance between these two extreme cases. Accuracy and performance comparison with state-of-the art tools will be provided. The practical implications of these methods will be discussed with application to real-life scenarios. {us}


Ihsan Erdin received the M. Sc. degree from Middle East Tech. U, Ankara, Turkey in 1993 and the Ph.D. degree from Carleton University in 2001, both in electrical engineering. From 1995 to 1996, he was a research fellow at DRDC Ottawa. From 2000 to 2007, he worked as an SI/PI engineer at Nortel in the Passport Project. Since 2007, he has been working in the same job function at Celestica Engineering Design Services in Ottawa. He is an adjunct faculty member with the Electronics Department of Carleton University since 2007. Dr. Erdin is a member of the Professional Engineers Ontario and a senior member of IEEE. He also serves as a member of Signal and Power Integrity Technical Committee (TC-10) of EMC Society. His research interests are analytical methods in electromagnetics as applied to printed and integrated circuit structures.

Workshop: Object Oriented Programming 101 @ Carleton University, Mackenzie Building 4359
Apr 21 @ 09:00 – 16:00

This workshop is all about the basics of object oriented programming!

We will cover the fundamental concepts of object oriented programming
design from the definition of Objects and classes to object
relationships and associations and class inheritance. Hands-on
application of these concepts will be done in java to create a bounding
ball program.

Lunch will be provided!

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