
Web call to discuss possible COVID-19 response (IEEE Ottawa section)
Apr 10 @ 16:30 – 18:00

​Dear Ottawa Section members,

​​the COVID-19 pandemic has reached a level of urgency that needs an “all hands on deck” approach​. If you are still ​waiting to play a role by contributing your academic, professional or personal skills to find technology-based solutions: please join us on a web call to organise ​a response​:

Organiser: IEEE-Ottawa SIG on Humanitarian Technology

Date:         Friday April 10

Time: 16h30

URL: Google Meet invitation


Tentative agenda:

  1. (5min) Introductions
  2. (15min) Sharing of IEEE-specific COVID-19 resources
  3. (25min) Roundtable of local resources
  4. (15min) Roundtable of known needs
  5. (* min) Open discussion & wrap-up

Please RSVP by emailing:​ :​ this will enable us to prepare the agenda and round table with a number of participants in mind.

May 21 @ 14:00 – 15:00

Speaker: Suzanne
Grant of Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance

Topic: #TechnologyNorth – the gold standard

Suzanne envisions a world where a Made in Canada #TechnologyNorth seal is the global gold standard of quality, synonymous with leather shoes Made in Italy, grapes harvested in Champagne, and autos designed and manufactured in Germany. Canada’s world class innovators have delivered excellence decade over decade. Without adequate support of the sector through COVID19, this vision may be a non-starter. During economic difficulties Canada has traditionally bailed out traditional auto and airline industries, and innovative technologies like the AVRO Arrow, Nortel, Research In Motion, Cognos and aspiring young companies were orphaned. By failing to protect our  innovators, Canada traded in future traction of Canada’s valuable intellectual property. America, Europe and the Middle East hungry to prosper from our bargain IP and talent came out the winners. Each downturn has taken at least a decade for technology to reinvent itself and rebound.

We have a track record of great beginnings and a more mature Canada can weather the storms and aim for bigger commercial finish lines, where prosperity and job abundance translate to big returns. Before COVID19 struck, we were hitting our stride with record venture investments and sought after talent from leading education institutions. Canada’s Innovation Agenda demonstrated a maturing future view aiming to lead. This is no time to retreat! The government has invested on behalf of Canadians and accountable for a $36B year over year injection into innovation via universities and commercialization. This investment is at risk. Toronto was the fastest growing tech hub in North America with ICT and advanced technologies outpacing job and economic growth rates by almost twice the national average. As we look beyond COVID19, our technology sector, adequately supported through this crisis, can be the catalyst to jump start Canada’s future economy. With a troubled oil and gas sector, Canada will need agile, fast movers doing the heavy lifting to fund our social, health and education programs and rebuild the nation’s balance sheet.

And as we get back to shipping products and services, a more sophisticated approach to sales, branding, advocacy and public relations, layered with Canada’s science, technology, engineering and maths genius can place Canada out in front in multiple lanes. The digitization revolution just got a bump up and opportunities and demand will remain for trillion dollar market frontiers. Data, Internet of things and machine learning are golden.  Demand for artificial intelligence, environmental, medical and space solutions will continue to accelerate. Winning the future will take more collaboration, agility, commercial savvy and embracing diverse talent sets and creativity. We’ve got this Canada!

About The Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance
CATA is a trusted industry alliance with a mandate to help Canadian innovation thrive. They focus on commercial capabilities and market access for Canadian HQ small and medium technology businesses. The alliance brings together industry thought leaders with academe and policy makers to advocate for Canadian competitiveness. CATA amplifies a bold, confident podium culture amongst Canadian innovators. CATA recently proposed $3.6B in COVID emergency relief – the Resilience and Rebound Fund for tech small and medium companies.
CATA is home to the National Innovation Leadership Council, and a joint body with the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police – the CACP/CATA E-Crimes Cyber Council. CATA is launching a President’s Council this Fall

Online Talk: AI in Modern Power and Energy Systems (Part II)
May 27 @ 14:00 – 15:00
Online Talk: AI in Modern Power and Energy Systems (Part II)

This seminar discusses the use of AI in modern power and energy systems, in particular electrical distribution networks.

About this Event

Driven by global environmental emission issues and tighter
requirements for system resilience and reliability, electricity
production is shifting from a centralized paradigm to a decentralized
one. In this context, renewable energy sources (RES) and electric
vehicles (EVs) have proliferated over the past decade, exhibiting a
steadily increasing trend. Thus, today, a large number of wind turbines,
photovoltaic (PV) panels, and EVs are connected to medium- (1-69 kV)
and low-voltage (=1 kV) grids, with traditional integrated bulk power
systems becoming decentralized in the presence of active distribution
networks, where the flow of power is bidirectional between generators
and “prosumers”. Such systems are typified by a high penetration of
metering infrastructures, generating a large volume of data, providing
the opportunity to harness the power of big data using data-driven

This seminar discusses the use of artificial
intelligence (AI) in modern power and energy systems, in particular
electrical distribution networks. Real-world examples of the use of AI
for energy storage systems optimization and control will be provided and

Key Focus

  • What are modern power systems control and optimization issues?
  • How data-driven techniques can help?
  • What is the state-of-the-art?
  • What is the path forward?

Admission is FREE! Everyone is welcome! Registration is required!


Mostafa Farrokhabadi is the Senior Director of Technology at
BluWave-ai. Concurrently, he serves as Associate Editor of IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid. He has more than 8 years of experience in
designing mission critical grid solutions for industry and academia,
including technical leadership of a $6M international consortium in
electric grid modernization, and smart grids projects with Hatch and
Canadian Solar. Mostafa has (co)authored several articles in high-impact
journals, conference proceedings, and magazines, and holds patents on
intelligent control and optimization of renewable-penetrated grids.
Mostafa has also led the award-winning IEEE Power and Energy Society
Task Force on microgrid stability, an international coalition of 21
researchers from 14 institutions investigating stability issues in
microgrids. Mostafa obtained his PhD in Electrical and Computer
Engineering from the University of Waterloo. He has also studied and
performed research in Sweden at KTH and Germany at KIT. During the
course of his career, Mostafa has received multiple business, research,
and teaching awards, including the prestigious University of Waterloo
Doctoral Thesis Completion Award and Ottawa’s Forty Under 40.

IEEE WIE ILC 2020 Virtual Series @ Online
Jun 2 @ 12:00 – Jun 24 @ 14:00
IEEE WIE ILC 2020 Virtual Series @ Online

The virtual series of IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference (WIE ILC) 2020.

The IEEE WIE ILC Virtual Series will take place throughout June 2020,
offering 1-hour sessions, live panel discussions, virtual networking
opportunities, and an on-demand library for you to browse when it’s
convenient for you. Registration is free!

Visit for more information.


Jun 22 @ 14:00 – 15:00
Speaker: Tom Coughlin of IEEE USA

Topic: IEEE-USA Supports Public Policy For A Better World 

IEEE-USA supports public policy and career and member services for IEEE members in the USA.  This talk will include a brief discussion on what IEEE-USA does and will focus on its public policy activities to support future technologies, funding of science and technology, immigration policies that support a path to citizenship and support for engineers and technologists.  I will also discuss the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic and what what IEEE and IEEE-USA is doing to help its members as well as society as a whole, to recover from this extraordinary event.  This talk will include discussion of the future of work and the role of technology to enable remote work and new tools to work together in the real world even when we can’t be there physically.


Tom Coughlin, President, Coughlin Associates is a digital storage analyst and business and technology consultant.  He has over 39 years in the data storage industry with engineering and management positions at several companies.  Coughlin Associates consults, publishes books and market and technology reports (including The Media and Entertainment Storage Report and an Emerging Memory Report), and puts on digital storage-oriented events.  He is a regular storage and memory contributor for and M&E organization websites.  He is an IEEE Fellow, Past-President of IEEE-USA and is active with SNIA and SMPTE. For more information on Tom Coughlin and his publications and activities go to

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