
Clarifying the Path to becoming a Professional Engineer
May 26 @ 12:00 – 14:00
Clarifying the Path to becoming a Professional Engineer

In this time of social distancing, we are pleased to announce that all the team members of IEEE YP and WIE Ottawa Sections are fully committed to providing online interaction and support to our community! In partnership with Professional Engineers Ontario, we present an online talk in “Clarifying the Path to Becoming a Professional Engineer.”

If you are an engineering undergraduate or post-graduate student, or a recent graduate starting out your engineering career, then this seminar might be for you. In it you will learn:

  • What is PEO?
  • What engineering experience is PEO looking for once I graduate?
  • I have international engineering education and experience; how is that evaluated by PEO?
  • How is my engineering experience evaluated by PEO?
  • How do I prepare my Experience Record?
  • What is the PPE?
  • What is the EIT Program and the Student Membership Program?

The emphasis of this webinar will be on the P. Eng. licensure process – what PEO is looking for. The webinar will focus on how engineering experience is evaluated and how you can facilitate the process. Learn the dos and don’ts of preparing your licensing application for evaluation.

To participate, you will require: internet connection to view the webinar, phone access to dial into the conference for audio.

We look forward to speaking with you!

Role of the Smart Grid in Facilitating the Integration of Renewables
Jul 28 @ 18:30 – 19:30
Role of the Smart Grid in Facilitating the Integration of Renewables

Webinar: Role of the Smart Grid in Facilitating the Integration of Renewables

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Saifur Rahman, Director, Virginia Tech Advanced Research Institute, USA, IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) President 2018-2019, IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer

Date/Time: Tuesday, July 28, 2020, 6:30 pm – 7:30 p.m. EDT

Admission: Free, but registration is required:

For more details, please visit:

Abstract – With the focus on environmental sustainability and energy security, power system planners are looking at renewable energy as supplements and alternatives. But such generation sources have their own challenges – primarily intermittency.  It is expected that the smart grid – due to its inherent communication, sensing and control capabilities – will have the ability to manage the load, storage and generation assets (including renewables) in the power grid to enable a large-scale integration of distributed generation. In a smart grid, information about the state of the grid and its components can be exchanged quickly over long distances and complex networks. It will therefore be possible to have the integration of sustainable energy sources, such as wind, solar, off-shore electricity, etc. for smoother system operation. But in order for this to be possible, the electric utility will have to evolve, and change their ways of operation to become an intelligent provider of these services. This lecture introduces the operational characteristics of renewable energy sources, and various aspects of the smart grid – technology, standards and regulations. It also addresses the interplay among distributed generation, storage and conventional generation to provide an efficient operational strategy in the context of the smart grid.

The Smart City Building Blocks & Their Synergy with Smart Villages
Aug 12 @ 18:30 – 19:30
The Smart City Building Blocks & Their Synergy with Smart Villages

ADMISSION: Free, but the registration in advance is required.


Abstract – A smart city relies on widely distributed smart devices to monitor the urban environment in real-time, collects information for intelligent decision making, and facilitates various services to improve the quality of urban living. The distributed network of intelligent sensor nodes, as well as data centers/clouds where sensor data are stored and shared, constitutes a smart city infrastructure. Smart cities address urban challenges such as pollution, energy efficiency, security, parking, traffic, transportation, and others by utilizing advanced technologies in data gathering and communications interconnectivity via the Internet. It provides real time and remote monitoring for different aspects of data management in areas such as transportation, communication, video surveillance, and sensors distributed throughout the city. Simultaneously, the Smart City building blocks like education, telemedicine, health care, IT applications, pollution management, etc. can be deployed in the IEEE Smart Village initiative to have a greater impact on the rural population throughout the world. through reliable electricity and internet connectivity.

Speaker Bio – Prof. Dr. Saifur Rahman is the founding director of the Advanced Research Institute ( at Virginia Tech, USA, where he is the Joseph R. Loring Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He also directs the Center for Energy and the Global Environment ( He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and an IEEE Millennium Medal winner. He was the founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Electrification Magazine and the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. In 2006, he served on the IEEE Board of Directors as the Vice President for Publications. He is a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) and has lectured on renewable energy, energy efficiency, smart grid, electric power system operation and planning, etc. in over 30 countries. He was IEEE Power and Energy Society President 2018-2019 and is now a candidate for IEEE President-Elect 2021.

He chaired the US National Science Foundation Advisory Committee for International Science and Engineering, 2010-2013. He conducted several energy efficiency projects for Duke Energy, Tokyo Electric Power Company, US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, State of Virginia and US Department of Energy.

For any additional information, please contact: or

Opportunities, Challenges and Implementation of Silicon Integration and Packaging in mmWave Radar and Communication Applications
Sep 16 @ 17:00 – 18:00
Opportunities, Challenges and Implementation of Silicon Integration and Packaging in mmWave Radar and Communication                Applications

IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Presentation hosted jointly by the OTTAWA EMC/CPMT/ED/CAS/SSCS/AP/MTT Chapters:

Speaker : Dr. Xiaoxiong Gu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, NY
Topic : Opportunities, Challenges and Implementation of Silicon Integration and Packaging in mmWave Radar and Communication Applications
Date : Wednesday September 16, 2020
Time : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM EST
Location : Online via ZOOM
Registration: Free, and is on a first to reply basis. Preference given to IEEE EMC CPMT/ED/CAS/SSCS/APS/MTT society members. E-mail Reservation is required.

Organizer: Dr. Syed Bokhari, Chairman, IEEE Ottawa EMC chapter,
Office :(613) 595 – 0507 Ext. 377, Cell: (613) 355 – 6632

Abstract: Co-design and integration of RFIC, package, and antennas are critical to enable multiple aspects of 5G communications (backhaul, last mile, mobile access) and are particularly challenging at mmWave frequencies. This talk will cover various important aspects of mmWave antenna module packaging and integration for base station, backhaul, and user equipment applications, respectively, with particular emphasis on signal, power and EMC integrity. We will first present a historical perspective on Si-based mmWave modules and approaches for antenna and IC integration including trade-offs. We will focus on the challenges, implementation, and characterization of a 28-GHz phased-array module with 64 dual polarized antennas for 5G base station applications. Second, we will present a W-band phased-array module with 64-element dual-polarization antennas for radar imaging and backhaul application. The module consists of a multilayer
organic chip-carrier package and a 16-element phased-array TX IC or a 32- element RX IC chipset. Third, we will describe a compact, low-power, 60-GHz switched-beam transceiver module suitable for handset integration incorporating four antennas that support both normal and end-fire directions for a wide link spatial coverage. Detailed signal, power and EMC modeling and analysis of the modules and the system are presented.

Speaker Bio:

Xiaoxiong Gu received the Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle, USA, in 2006. He joined IBM Research as a Research Staff Member in January 2007. His research activities are focused on 5G radio access technologies, optoelectronic and mm-wave packaging, electrical designs, modeling and characterization of communication, imaging radar and computation systems. He has recently worked on antenna-in-package design and integration for mm-wave imaging and communication systems including Ka-band, V-band and Wband phased-array modules. He has also worked on 3D electrical packaging and signal/power integrity analysis for high-speed I/O subsystems including onchip and off-chip interconnects. He has been involved in developing novel TSV
and interposer technologies for heterogeneous system integration.

Dr. Gu has authored over 90 peer-reviewed publications, 2 book chapters and holds 9 issued patents. He was a co-recipient of IEEE ISSCC 2017 Lewis Winner Award for Outstanding Paper and IEEE JSSC 2017 Best Paper Award (the world’s first reported silicon-based 5G mmWave phased array antenna module operating at 28GHz). He was a co-recipient of the 2017 Pat Goldberg Memorial Award to
the best paper in computer science, electrical engineering, and mathematics published by IBM Research. He received IBM Outstanding Research Accomplishment in 2019 and Outstanding Technical Achievement Award in 2016, four IBM Plateau Invention Awards in 2012 ~ 2016, the IEEE EMC Symposium Best Paper Award in 2013, two SRC Mahboob Khan Outstanding Industry Liaison Awards in 2012 and
2014, the Best Conference Paper Award at IEEE EPEPS in 2011, IEC DesignCon Paper Awards in 2008 and 2010, the Best Interactive Session Paper Award at IEEE DATE in 2008, and the Best Session Paper Award at IEEE ECTC in 2007. Dr. Gu is the co-chair of Professional Interest Community (PIC) on Computer System Designs at IBM. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and has been serving on different
program committees for MTT-S, EPEPS, ECTC, EDAPS and DesignCon. Dr. Gu was the General Chair of IEEE EPEPS 2018 in San Jose, CA. He is also a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE EMC Society in 2019-2020 and is currently an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Component, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology.

IEEE Canada Technology Leadership Monthly Webinar
Sep 24 @ 14:00 – 15:00

Date: Sept 24th, 2020

Time: 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM EDT

Speaker: Ken Coates, Professor, University of Saskatchewan

Topic: Technology-Enabled Indigenous and Remote Communities



As the COVID-19 Pandemic demonstrated, almost all Indigenous and remote communities suffered from serious infrastructure deficits.  With limited or unreliable Internet, poor quality electricity, and weak health care services, these communities were uniquely vulnerable to the disease and the economic and social challenges that accompanied the pandemic.  But Canadians already knew that Indigenous and remote communities are poorly served and largely lift out of the so-called “innovation economy.”  It is time to develop a strategy for bringing technology-enabled opportunities to Indigenous and remote communities.  This webinar presents a model for digitally-enabled Indigenous and remote communities, explores the barriers to implementing this “inversion” of Canadian innovation and that contemplates strategies for addressing quality of life issues in collaboration with residents and local governments.


Ken Coates is Canada Research Chair in Regional Innovation at the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan. His work focuses on the development of strategies to promote 21st century well-being in small town, rural, Indigenous and remote Canada. Ken’s major project examines the potential contributions — and negative impacts — of emerging technologies on rural and remote communities.

For more information and speaking opportunity, please contact, Dr Kexing Liu, IEEE Canada Outreach and Partnership Committee Chair,

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