
IEEE Lunch & Learn Ottawa: A 101 to Machine Learning using Python
Jun 6 @ 12:00 – 13:00

By Chris Allison

Senior Coordinator, GC2.0 Tools at Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


Machine Learning, a method of teaching computers to learn and make predictions based on data without being explicitly programmed, is a core part of predictive analytics and key technologies like image recognition, self-driving cars, unsupervised data analytics and search / recommendation engines. Featured in more MOOC’s than you can shake a stick at, machine learning is taking off – and Python has one of the top ML ecosystems around! Chris Allison will present an introductory primer on machine learning using Python’s Scikit-Learn and Gensim. Code and examples included!

Speaker Bio
As a driven, passionate and creative leader and change agent, Chris Allison’s career, skills and experiences span across public service, private interests and personal goals. Chris’ goal is to reimagine and revitalize the public service – transforming it into an organization that can meet and exceed the needs and expectations of Canadians. Over the past 15 years Chris has worked on immigration enforcement, investigated war crimes, patrolled Toronto with the Toronto Police Service, conducted surveillance and counter smuggling activities with as an RCMP officer, participated in public relations duties in Japan, managed national security activities with the Canada Border Services Agency, developed legislation, regulations and policy on import, export and cross-border law enforcement operations, contributed to the re-writing of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, created and lead a community of passionate managers in Public Safety Canada, worked to improve the traveler experience with the CBSA and currently lead the Government of Canada’s enterprise social network and wiki – working to build a single, collaborative and high performing public service to better serve Canadians. Driven and imaginative, Chris has reverse mentored three Deputy Ministers on innovation and technology on the Deputy Minister Committee on Policy Innovation, reimagined and built new ways to improve the traveler experience and acted as a catalyst for change – driving innovation in policy thinking, service delivery, information management and collaboration. An avid Python developer, Chris has built web apps, event simulations, conducted social network analysis, graphed and analyzed social media, analyzed big data with Spark, built machine learning classifiers and used natural language analysis to directly improve his organizations. As per his Twitter bio, Chris is focused on GoC leadership, community, culture, creativity and innovation. He is a geek, gamer, Python developer and storyteller.


For more information, visit:

IEEE WIE Ottawa: Women in Photonics Panel at the 19th Photonics North Conference @ Shaw Centre
Jun 7 @ 12:00 – 13:15

The IEEE Ottawa WiE Chapter Invites you to the Women in Photonics Panel.

A special session in the Photonics North 2017 conference.

Lunch is included

See more details at: Women in Photonics Flyer Final

Workshop: Big Data in Building Operations @ Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Jun 27 – Jun 28 all day

The objective of this workshop is to bring domain experts from industry, academia, and federal research laboratories together to identify future research and development needs and to foster interdisciplinary collaboration. We are extending this invitation to a diverse group of experts with background in residential and commercial building automation and controls, facilities planning and management, building energy modelling and auditing, sensor development, and data analytics. The agenda is included below:

Day 1: Current state and future challenges in building data analytics applications (9 am to 5 pm)

  • Session 1: Smart Maintenance and Retrofits – Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostics, Prognostics, Remote auditing
  • Session 2: Smart Control of the Indoor Climate – Model-based predictive controls, Adaptive occupant-centric controls, Demand response, Smart grid

Day 2: Advances in sensing technologies in buildings (9 am to 12 pm)

  • Session 1: Integrated room control and sensor hubs, Printable electronics to printable sensors, Low-cost data streams for sensing (virtual sensors)

The workshop is sponsored by The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Registration to the workshop is free of charge. The registration includes a working lunch, coffee breaks, and a reception dinner on June 27.

Please, complete this form to indicate your availability ( And, please indicate if you are interested in being part of a discussion panel and/or presenting your research and development updates. If there is someone that you would consider collaborating in the future, indicate her/his name in the form so that we ensure to include her/him in our invitee list. Also, please do not forget to indicate any dietary restrictions/preferences and if you’d require a parking pass. Summer accommodation is available in Carleton University Residences.

We look forward to seeing you all in June 27-28 in Ottawa. Remember that it is Canada’s 150th anniversary and it is the best time to visit Nation’s Capital ( Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Ruth Tamas ( is kindly helping us in the organization of the workshop. Details will follow as the attendees and panelists are confirmed.

Burak Gunay, Ph.D. and Weiming Shen, Ph.D., P.Eng.

Burak Gunay

Assistant Professor, PhD
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
1 (613) 520-2600 x 3357
Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn

IEEE Lunch & Learn Ottawa: The Rise of the Industrial Drone @ March Networks, Kanata
Jul 4 @ 12:00 – 13:00

By Ian Glenn

CEO/CTO, ING Robotic Aviation Inc.


This talk will focus on the transformative impact of drones on mapping and charting, as well as, for inspection and monitoring tasks. Modern industrial drones provide the ability to provide highly accurate mosaics, point clouds, DEMs, and DSMs of areas of interest in the single digit centimetre resolution range. These bundled solutions accomplish so much more than traditional methods – cost effectively and safety. ING Robotic Aviation is focused on data-driven robotic aviation delivered in harsh conditions globally. The company has flown drones the equivalent of 81 times around the planet since 2008. Ian will highlight with real world examples the possibilities that these disruptive technologies now offer. From wildlife to wind turbines, industrial drones are transforming many sectors.

Speaker Bio
Ian has led the creation of Canada’s most dynamic growth sector – unmanned aviation. His leadership in the field started over two decades ago, driving the creation of national drone standards with Transport Canada to enable the creation of the industry. Along the way he launched UVS Canada, the organization that grew into Unmanned Systems Canada which is Canada’s national sector organization. As the Chief Executive and Chief Technology Officer of his company, ING Robotic Aviation, over the past 15 years he has developed and integrated UAV systems and provided services across the globe in harsh conditions including war zones. ING Robotic Aviation often has undertaken technically difficult projects that moved the regulatory yardstick forward by demonstrating safe, robust, and validated results that served to expand the operational envelope for all the civil and commercial sector. ING has also been highly and consistently visible as a sponsor of student activities. As a pioneer of industrial drones, he has created new markets and capabilities introducing UAVs to the resource, agriculture, forestry, utility, film, construction, and defence and public safety sectors. Ian is a true pioneer in a technology and aviation emergence that will happen only once in our professional lifetime. He has grasped this evolution, and expended considerable energy in guiding it for the benefit of all Canada.


For more information, visit:

IEEE Lunch & Learn Ottawa: “Resiliency by Design” – Dynamic Categorization Working Session @ Kanata, Ottawa, Canada
Aug 1 @ 12:00 – 13:00

By Steven Woodward CCSK, CSQA, CFPS

CEO, Cloud Perspectives


While the term ‘resiliency’ is frequently used, it is seldom defined, clarified or used in a meaningful context. This leads to rework, costs exceeding budgets, frustration and most importantly, solutions that do not provide the resiliency that was required by the business. The technology storms continue to form and merge, including Internet of Things, Software Defined Everything, Block Chain, Fog Computing and Cloud Computing. In order to provide or consume trusted and resilient services, the solutions must be clarified, planned, designed and governed accordingly. Resiliency can take many forms; performance, security, integrity and even personal safety. We will identify some foundational elements and considerations, then a working taxonomy mind-map will be provided to highlight some resiliency categories. During the session specific resiliency subjects of interest will be identified by the attendees and further “mindmaps” will be generated to express specific resiliency considerations. The working activities provide an opportunity to network and exchange ideas that will build resiliency as the technology storm front continually advances.

Speaker Bio
Steven Woodward is CEO of Cloud Perspectives, located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He is a member of the National Institute of Standards for Technology (NIST) cloud computing working groups (under the US Department of Commerce), a co-leader of the Cloud Audit and Cloud Carrier sub-groups, while contributing to Standards, Reference Architecture, SLAs, Security, Broker and Services topic areas. Steven is also a Director of the Cloud Security Alliance Canadian Chapter, a member of the ISO/ IEC SC7 (software systems) and SC38 (cloud and distributed processing) and chair of IFPUG’s (ISO 20926 software sizing) ISO Committee. He fosters collaboration and cooperation within and between standards groups (ISO/IEC, IEEE, IFPUG, TMFORUM, ITU-T, CSA, OMG) to clarify and quantify realistic expectations for cloud computing and the controls that build trust. His previous IEEE presentations included: SOSE in Maui, HONET in Northern Cyprus and EPEC in Ottawa. He has several published chapters in software metrics books, edits and frequently contributes articles to various communities, and is frequently interviewed by research companies. Steven’s education, advisory, planning and execution services have resulted in saving millions of dollars, while mitigating risks, for private and public sector organizations around the world.


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