
Open Source Development Forum – Wed. 18-September @ Innovation Centre at Bayview yards
Sep 18 @ 08:30 – 17:30
Open Source Development Forum - Wed. 18-September @ Innovation Centre at Bayview yards | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

The inaugural OSDforum will take place in Ottawa this September 18. It is of interest to System architects, software designers, hardware designers and researchers from government, industry and academia.

RISC-V is the 5th generation of the Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC-V) Instruction-Set Architecture (ISA), the OpenHW Group is a not-for-profit global organisation aiming to boost the adoption of open-source processors by providing a platform for collaboration, creating a focal point for ecosystem development, and offering open-source IP for processor cores.

Don’t miss out the opportunity to join this exciting new development platform and get your own RISC-V development board to keep. All this while learning from leading industry and academic experts focused on IoT, Edge and Machine Learning development that leverage open source SW and HW.

Space is limited and we have all indications that the event will sell out. Register today.

The Lightning Phenomenon @ 4124-ME (Meckenzie Building), Carleton University
Oct 22 @ 12:00 – 13:00

IEEE  Distinguished Lecturer Presentation hosted jointly by the IEEE Ottawa EMC and CASS/SSCS/EDS Chapters:


Speaker  :     Dr. Marcos Rubinstein, Professor, University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland

Topic    :     The Lightning Phenomenon

Date     :     Tuesday October 22, 2019

Time     :     12(noon) – 1pm

Location :     4124-ME (Meckenzie Building), Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa – K1S5B6


Registration:  Free, Please E-mail Ram Achar (

Refreshments: Served


Parking  : Payment based Metered Parking spots in the campus



               Ram Achar, Dept. of Electronics, Carleton University

               Chairman CASS/SSCS/EDS Chapters


               Dr. Syed Bokhari, Chairman, IEEE Ottawa EMC chapter



Lightning is one of the primary causes of damage and malfunction of telecommunication and power networks and one of the leading causes of weather-related deaths and injuries.

Lightning is composed of numerous physical processes, of which only a few are visible to the naked eye.

This lecture presents various aspects of the lightning phenomenon, its main processes and the technologies that have been developed to assess the parameters that are important for engineering and scientific applications. These parameters include the channel-base current and its associated electromagnetic fields.

The measurement techniques for these parameters are intrinsically difficult due to the randomness of the phenomenon and to the harsh electromagnetic environment created by the lightning itself.

Besides the measurement of the lightning parameters, warning and insurance applications require the real-time detection and location of the lightning strike point. The main classical and emerging lightning detection and location techniques, including those used in currently available commercial lightning location systems will be described in the lecture. The newly proposed Electromagnetic Time Reversal technique, which has the potential to revolutionize lightning location will also be presented.



Marcos Rubinstein received the Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Florida, Gainesville.

In the decade of the 1990’s, he worked as a research engineer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne and as a program manager at Swisscom in the areas of electromagnetic compatibility and lightning. Since 2001, he is a professor at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland HES-SO, Yverdon-les-Bains, where he is currently responsible for the advanced Communication Technologies Group. He is the author or coauthor of 300 scientific publications in reviewed journals and international conferences. He is also the coauthor of nine book chapters and the co-editor of a book on time reversal. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Open Atmospheric Science Journal, and currently serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on EMC.

Prof. Rubinstein received the best Master’s Thesis award from the University of Florida, the IEEE achievement award and he is a co-recipient of the NASA’s Recognition for Innovative Technological Work award. He also received the ICLP Karl Berger award. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and an EMP Fellow, a member of the Swiss Academy of Sciences and of the International Union of Radio Science.

Digital Marketing – Tools and Methodologies @ RA Centre
Feb 20 @ 19:30 – 21:00

Digital Marketing — Tools and Methodologies

Joint presentation IEEE Ottawa Section Consultants Network and IET Ottawa LN

Not your Grandmother’s Marketing – The impact of SaaS and AI

 Since Google’s arrival on the scene in the late 1990’s,
marketing took a turn to digital, never to look back again.  With the proliferation of technologies such
as Artificial Intelligence, and novel business models like
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), marketing tools and techniques continue to
rapidly evolve.  Our eyes glued to
screens of devices of all sizes, we are at the same time a willing victim and a
reluctant participant in the marketing dance in both our professional and
personal lives.  These combined bring a
huge democratization of marketing for businesses, allowing for successful
growth in the most unlikely locations.

Speaker: Dobrila Rancic Moogk

Dobrila is VP Marketing at Giatec Scientific, an IoT company
revolutionizing concrete testing.
Through her work in and with start-ups on strategic marketing, Dobrila’s
passion for accelerating commercialization of innovation results in significant
growth and scale-up.  This is combined
with her drive to lead her university students to stellar career starts by
passing on her cutting-edge SaaS marketing skills to the next generation of
business leaders.

 Over her 25 years’
experience in the high-tech industry spanning North America
and Europe, she held marketing and R&D leadership
positions with dynamic corporations such as Bell-Northern Research, LSI
Logic, and MOSAID, among others.  Dobrila
has a BSEE, as well as Master of Engineering, and MBA degrees from University
of Ottawa.

 She is a member of
the Board of Directors of Invest Ottawa and Bayview Yards, the Community Impact
Cabinet at United Way East Ontario,
past chair of Volunteer Ottawa, and past vice-chair of the Women in Engineering
and Computer Science at University of

[CANCELLED] Seminar: Drone-assisted Mobile Edge Computing
Mar 19 @ 18:00 – 19:30

NOTE: This event as been cancelled due to COVID-19 precautions

Seminar presented by the IEEE Ottawa Section, Communications Society, Consumer Electronics Society, and
Broadcast Technology Society Joint Chapter (ComSoc/CESoc/BTS), Instrumentation & Measurement
Society Chapter (IMS), Reliability Society and Power Electronics Society Joint Chapter (RS/PELS), IEEE
Ottawa Educational Activities (EA) and Algonquin College IEEE Student Branch:


IEEE Ottawa Section is inviting all interested IEEE members and nonmembers to a distinguished Lecture:
Drone-assisted Mobile Edge Computing


Nirwan Ansari, Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at

the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)



Thursday, March 19, 2020.



Refreshments, Registration and Networking: 6:00 p.m.; Seminar: 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.


Ciena Optophotonics Lab, Room T129, T-Building, School of Advanced Technology, Algonquin College,

1385 Woodroffe Ave., Ottawa, ON Canada K2G 1V8.



Parking at Lots 8 and 9 after 5 p.m. is $5 flat rate, pay at a machine and display the ticket on your dashboard. Please respect restricted areas.



Free. Registration required. To ensure a seat, please register by e-mail contacting: Wahab Almuhtadi.



Ottawa ComSoc/CESoc/BTS Chapter website.



In mobile access networks, different types of Internet of Things (IoT) devices (e.g., sensor nodes and smartphones) will generate vast traffic demands, thus dramatically increasing the traffic loads of their connected access nodes, especially in the 5G era. Mobile edge computing enables data collected by IoT devices to be stored in and processed by local fog nodes as well as allows IoT users to access IoT applications via these nodes at the same time. In this case, the communications latency critically affects the response time of IoT user requests. Owing to the dynamic distribution of IoT users, drone base station (DBS), which can be flexibly deployed over hotspot areas, can potentially improve the wireless latency of IoT users by mitigating the heavy traffic loads of macro BSs. Drone-based communications poses two major challenges: 1) DBS should be deployed in suitable areas with heavy traffic demands to serve more users; 2) traffic loads in the network should be allocated among macro BSs and DBSs to avoid instigating traffic congestions. Therefore, we propose a TrAffic Load balancing (TALL) scheme in such drone-assisted fog network to minimize the wireless latency of IoT users. In the scheme, we divide the problem into two sub-problems and design two algorithms to optimize the DBS placement and user association, respectively. Extensive simulations have been set up to validate the performance of TALL.


Speaker Bio:

Dr. Nirwan Ansari, Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), received his Ph.D. from Purdue University, MSEE from the University of Michigan, and BSEE (summa cum laude with a perfect GPA) from NJIT. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of National Academy of Inventors.

He authored Green Mobile Networks: A Networking Perspective (Wiley-IEEE, 2017) with T. Han, and coauthored two other books. He has also (co-)authored more than 600 technical publications. He has guest-edited a number of special issues covering various emerging topics in communications and networking. He has served on the editorial/advisory board of over ten journals including as Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine. His current research focuses on green communications and networking, cloud computing, droneassisted networking, and various aspects of broadband networks. He was elected to serve in the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Board of Governors as a member-at-large, has chaired some ComSoc technical and steering committees, is current Director of ComSoc Educational Services Board, has been serving in many committees such as the IEEE Fellow Committee, and has been actively organizing numerous IEEE International Conferences/Symposia/Workshops. He is frequently invited to deliver keynote addresses, distinguished lectures, tutorials, and invited talks. Some of his recognitions include several excellence in teaching awards, a few best paper awards, the NCE Excellence in Research Award, several ComSoc TC technical recognition awards, the NJ Inventors Hall of Fame Inventor of the Year Award, the Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award, Purdue University Outstanding Electrical and Computer Engineering Award, the NCE 100 Medal, and designation as a COMSOC Distinguished Lecturer. He has also been granted more than 40 U.S. patents.

Discussion on possible COVID-19 response – IEEE-Ottawa SIG Humanitarian Technology
Apr 6 @ 16:30 – 18:00

​Dear Ottawa Section members,

the COVID-19 pandemic has reached a level of urgency that needs an “all hands on deck” approach..If you are still waiting to play a role by contributing your academic, professional or personal skills to find technology-based solutions: please join us on a web call to organise a response:

Organiser: IEEE-Ottawa SIG on Humanitarian Technology
Date: Friday April 10

Time: 16h30

URL: Google Meet invitation


Tentative agenda:

(5min) Introductions

(15min) Sharing of IEEE-specific COVID-19 resources

(25min) Roundtable of local resources

(15min) Roundtable of known needs

(* min) Open discussion & wrap-up

Please RSVP by emailing: : this will enable us to prepare the agenda and round table with a number of participants in mind.

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