
IEEE Photonics Society Ottawa Chapter Distinguished Lecturer Seminar on Integrated Microwave Photonics @ Conference Room, SITE Building, University of Ottawa
Jun 9 @ 19:30 – 21:00


Prof. José Capmany, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Span



Monday, June 9, 2014 / 3:30pm – 5:00pm



Conference Room, SITE Building, University of Ottawa





For the last 25 years, Microwave Photonics (MWP) systems and links have relied almost exclusively on discrete optoelectronic devices and standard optical fibers and fiber-based components which have been employed to support several functionalities like RF signal generation, distribution, processing and analysis. These configurations are bulky, expensive and power-consuming while lacking in flexibility. A second generation, termed as Integrated Microwave Photonics (IMWP) which aims at the incorporation of MWP components/subsystems in photonic circuits, is crucial for the implementation of both low-cost and advanced analog optical front-ends and, thus, instrumental to achieve these targets. After reviewing the basic principles of microwave photonics (MWP) for the non-specialized technical audience, this lecture states the case for the integrated approach towards MWP and overviews the available technology platforms (InP, silicon, silica, silicon nitride, chalcogenides etc..) for the implementation of MWP photonic integrated circuits (PICs), outlining the main features advantages and limitations for each one. The lecture then reviews the salient research results reported during the last years in several applications and the different platforms (MWP link, signal processing and filtering, signal generation, delay lines, phase-shifters and beam formers etc..) and finally introduces the concept of the MWP transistor, a multipurpose signal processor architecture which allows for the implementation of all the main basic MWP functionalities. The lecture is concluded with a summary and considerations on the future directions of this field.


Site visit to CBC Monitoring Station, Carp.
Jun 18 @ 18:00 – 19:30
Site visit to CBC Monitoring Station, Carp. @ Ottawa | Ontario | Canada


Wed 18 June, 2 – 3.30 pm – with pub socializing afterwards


2415 Richardson’s Side Road, Carp


Park beside station, Handicap spots available


Email to stating numbers etc – spouses welcome

Registration cut-off 14 June. space limited to 18 persons


Hugh Reekie –613-728-5343

Organizer e-mail:

Organized by:

AESS Ottawa Chapter



In order to maintain good transmit signals, a monitoring station was required. CBC set up a monitoring station on the Richardson Sideroad in 1968 to monitor broadcasts from Sackville, NB, expanding to monitor other CBC transmit locations in 2003, when the site became the National Alarm Centre. There are more than 900 transmitters to monitor. The site is also the maintenance centre for the Ottawa area – for transmitters at Barry’s Bay, Chapleau, Kingston and Cornwall. Twenty-three people are employed on site; the site is active 24 hours per day, 7 days a week .

RF and Microwave Test Symposium @ Holiday Inn & Suites
Sep 30 @ 08:00 – 12:00

Speaker(s): Technical Staff Members from National Instruments (NI) and Averna Technologies Inc.

Date/Time: Tuesday, 30 September 2014, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Location: Holiday Inn & Suites, Kanata Salon A, 101 Kanata Avenue, Ottawa, ON K2T 1E6

Registration: Free but Required, Seating is limited. To ensure a seat, please contact Tejinder Gill (

Organizer: Tejinder Gill

Organizer e-mail:

Organized by: National Instruments (NI), Averna Technologies Inc., IEEE Ottawa Antennas and Propagation Society and Microwave Theory & Techniques Society (AP/MTT) Joint Chapter and IEEE Ottawa Section (OS)

8:00 – 8:30
                          Registration and Introduction
8:30 – 9:00
                          Making Fundamental RF Measurements with PXI
9:00 – 9:30
                          Phase-Coherent Signal Analyzers and Generators for MIMO Test and Prototyping
9:30 – 10:00
                          Technology: Channel Emulation/Modeling & Environmental Simulation
10:00 – 10:30
                           Radar System Design and Development from Schematic to Field Testing
10:30 – 11:00
                           Solving New RF Applications with Record & Playback for GNSS Characterization
11:00 – 11:30
                           How Spectral Stitching Can Solve Bandwidth vs. Dynamic Range Trade-offs
11:30 – 12:00
                           Bridging Design & Test in Military Communications with Software Defined Radio Platforms

Modeling and Simulation of Biomedical Applications with the DEVS formalism @ Mackenzie Building Room 3356
Oct 6 @ 12:00 – 13:00

Speaker: Dr. Gabriel Wainer, Prof. Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton Univ, Ottawa

Date: 6th Oct 2014

Time: 1200-1300 hrs

Place: Mackenzie Building Room 3356, Carleton Univ

Parking: Need to pay

Admission: Free

Registration: Not required


Recent advances in computer technology have influenced simulation techniques to become an effective approach to understand physical systems. In recent years, grid-shaped cellular models have gained popularity in this sense. In particular, the DEVS formalism has been widely used with these purposes.

In this presentation we will show how to use the DEVS formalism and Cell-DEVS and their use in Biomedical applications. We will focus on varied examples on how to model different examples of application, and discuss open research issues in this area. We will start with an introduction to different models in physics (diffusion, binary solidification, excitable media, surface tension, etc.). We will then show some examples of the current use of the methodology in a model of heart tissue simulation, synapsin-vesicle interaction in nerve terminals and in models of artery clogging. We will focus in showing how the application of these techniques can improve model definition. We will also focus in describing how to create models that can be executed automatically in a parallel environment without any modifications to the original models, or user intervention. We will finally discuss current open topics in the area, which include advanced methods for centralized, parallel or distributed execution of the models.

Surgical Simulator – An Emerging Approach to Surgery Training @ Carleton University, Tory Bld. Rm. 202
Feb 6 @ 12:00 – 13:00

Speaker(s): Dr. Peter Liu, Professor, Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University

Date/Time: Feburary 6, 2015 12:00 – 13:00

Location: Tory Building Room 202, Carleton University

Parking: Paid parking available (P2 suggested)

Registration: Not required.

Organizer: James Green, SCE, Carleton University

Organized by: EMBS-Ottawa


At present, surgical residents develop required hands-on skills mainly through trials on animals, cadavers and patients. These training approaches, however, have obvious disadvantages: animals have different anatomies from humans; cadavers are unable to provide appropriate physiological responses; it is risky when students practice on patients. With recent advances in haptics, computer graphics and virtual reality, surgical simulators have great potential to overcome these problems. In this talk, the current development of surgical simulators will be reviewed. The main challenges and difficulties will be explained. In particular, we will focus on issues such as tissue modelling, visual feedback and haptic interaction.

For more information, please visit us at this link.

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