
IEEE Lunch & Learn Ottawa: “Resiliency by Design” – Dynamic Categorization Working Session @ Kanata, Ottawa, Canada
Aug 1 @ 12:00 – 13:00

By Steven Woodward CCSK, CSQA, CFPS

CEO, Cloud Perspectives


While the term ‘resiliency’ is frequently used, it is seldom defined, clarified or used in a meaningful context. This leads to rework, costs exceeding budgets, frustration and most importantly, solutions that do not provide the resiliency that was required by the business. The technology storms continue to form and merge, including Internet of Things, Software Defined Everything, Block Chain, Fog Computing and Cloud Computing. In order to provide or consume trusted and resilient services, the solutions must be clarified, planned, designed and governed accordingly. Resiliency can take many forms; performance, security, integrity and even personal safety. We will identify some foundational elements and considerations, then a working taxonomy mind-map will be provided to highlight some resiliency categories. During the session specific resiliency subjects of interest will be identified by the attendees and further “mindmaps” will be generated to express specific resiliency considerations. The working activities provide an opportunity to network and exchange ideas that will build resiliency as the technology storm front continually advances.

Speaker Bio
Steven Woodward is CEO of Cloud Perspectives, located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He is a member of the National Institute of Standards for Technology (NIST) cloud computing working groups (under the US Department of Commerce), a co-leader of the Cloud Audit and Cloud Carrier sub-groups, while contributing to Standards, Reference Architecture, SLAs, Security, Broker and Services topic areas. Steven is also a Director of the Cloud Security Alliance Canadian Chapter, a member of the ISO/ IEC SC7 (software systems) and SC38 (cloud and distributed processing) and chair of IFPUG’s (ISO 20926 software sizing) ISO Committee. He fosters collaboration and cooperation within and between standards groups (ISO/IEC, IEEE, IFPUG, TMFORUM, ITU-T, CSA, OMG) to clarify and quantify realistic expectations for cloud computing and the controls that build trust. His previous IEEE presentations included: SOSE in Maui, HONET in Northern Cyprus and EPEC in Ottawa. He has several published chapters in software metrics books, edits and frequently contributes articles to various communities, and is frequently interviewed by research companies. Steven’s education, advisory, planning and execution services have resulted in saving millions of dollars, while mitigating risks, for private and public sector organizations around the world.


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IEEE Lunch & Learn Ottawa: Data Centric Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Applications
Sep 5 @ 12:00 – 13:00

By John Clarke

Product Manager, Data Management Systems, General Dynamics Mission Systems Canada


The research and development team at General Dynamics Mission Systems is evolving our intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance application to ensure that it can keep pace with the rapidly evolving ISR field. Airborne military sensors are growing increasingly capable, and commercial and open source intelligence data is now widely available and of very high quality. To modernize our system has meant exploring new approaches. The presentation will describe the ISR mission, and cover some of the new development approaches, including moving a monolithic application towards data centric microservices, using open source tools to manage and present geographic data, containerization of services to allow rapid deployment and high reliability, and machine learning to improve the workflow for operators.

Speaker Bio
As Product Manager, Data Management Systems, John Clarke provides direction, vision and leadership for the system at the heart of the airborne surveillance and command and control platforms produced by the Air and Naval business unit of General Dynamics Mission Systems-Canada. John joined General Dynamics in 2002 having spent twelve years at Bell Northern Research. Prior to assuming his current role, John was the software development manager for the Data Management System for the Airbus H225M helicopter, designed to perform land and naval surveillance missions for the Polish armed forces. Previous to his role on the Polish program, John has held a number of project management and software management positions throughout the company, including the design and development of a self defense system for helicopters and the control software for a remotely operated underwater vehicle deployed with the Swedish Navy’s stealth corvette. John holds a Bachelor of Computer Engineering and Management from McMaster University. He lives in Stittsville, Ontario with his wife, daughter and son. General Dynamics Mission Systems-Canada is one of Canada’s leading C4ISR and defence and security electronics companies, with a worldwide reputation for excellence in the production of technology-based, integrated solutions for land, airborne, maritime and public safety applications. With state-of-the-art facilities in Ottawa, Calgary and Halifax, the company’s success is based on strong systems engineering experience, ongoing investment in research and development and collaboration with commercial and military systems industry leaders.


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Seminar: Thunderbolts & Lightning – Are they Really Frightening? @ Ottawa
Sep 6 @ 18:00 – 21:00

About this event

Paraphrasing that famous line from Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody, Research Engineer and science broadcaster Rhys Phillips will look at the phenomenon of lightning. In a lighthearted and informative talk, Rhys will explain the processes which lead to a lightning strike and the different types of lightning that can exist. He will then move on to show what happens to aircraft when they are hit by lightning and explain how we protect against damage from this. This talk will also give the audience a chance to see exactly what happens in our lightning lab and answer the question that everyone is asking – can a piggy bank survive a lightning strike?!


DATE:  6th September 2017

18:00 – 19:15 – Informal meal and networking at RA Center Restaurant

19:30 – 20:15 - Lecture

20:15 – 21:00 - Q&A

Reasons to Attend

  • Meet a world expert on the impacts of lightening

  • Understand lightening impact on electronics and avionics

  • Understand the electromagnetics and equipotentials related to lightning

  • Understand different types of lightening


Bio of Speaker

Rhys Phillips is a research engineer at Airbus Group in Newport where he was worked since 2009. He graduated from Cardiff University in 2008 with a joint honours degree in Mathematics & Physics. In October 2016, he was made an honorary lecturer at the School of Physics & Astronomy. He is an award winning science presenter, presenting science stage shows to schools and the general public around the world having recently presented in Guadeloupe, New Caledonia, Morocco, Australia and New Zealand. Rhys is also an experienced broadcaster presenting his own weekly jazz and science radio shows as well as being a regular guest on BBC national and regional radio. Rhys volunteers in numerous roles for the Institution of Engineering & Technology within the South Wales Local Network, the Electromagnetics Technical Network and the Young Professionals Community Committee. He represents Airbus Group as part of the National Centre for Universities and Business ‘Future Leaders Network’, and is a member of the Queen Elizabeth Prize Young Search Group, the Wales Festival of Innovation stakeholder group and the Welsh Government Cross Party Group on Science & Technology. Rhys is a trustee of Volunteer Community Services (Cymru) Ltd, co-founder of both Cardiff Science Festival and Cardiff Jazz Festival and when not behind a microphone or in the lab, he can be found performing on stage with his jazz band, Imperfect Tenth or calling ceilidhs.

Seminar: ARAS Robotics Research – Parallel and Cable Robotics / Surgical Robotics @ 3124 ME, Mackenzie Engineering Building, Carleton University
Sep 26 @ 16:00 – 17:00

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Carleton University

Speaker : Prof. Hamid D. Taghirad, Advanced Robotics and Automated Systems (ARAS) K. N. Toosi University of Technology Tehran, Iran.

Date : Tuesday September 26, 2017

Time : 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Location : 3124 ME (Mackenzie Engineering Building)


ARAS Research group established in 1997 and is proud of its 20+ years of brilliant contributions to the advancement of academic education and research in the field of robotics. We are currently conducting research in four different themes. Parallel and Cable Robotics, Surgical Robotics, Autonomous Robotics, and Dynamical Systems analysis and Control. In this talk the recent research outcomes of the first two research themes are presented.

Research work on parallel and cable robotics includes optimal design and implementation of a Delta robot, a fully constrained planar cable robot, and a 3DOF suspended cable robot. The issues on deployable cable robotics, and their robust control schemes are presented in the first part of this presentation.

Surgical robotics is the other research themes being discussed in this presentation. A patented spherical parallel robot is developed for robotic eye surgeries. Furthermore, A haptic system for eye surgery training is developed in this research group, by which cataract and vitrectomy surgeries are being the subject of training through this haptic system. The robust and adaptive control schemes being developed for this application will be elaborated in this presentation.

Speaker Biography

Hamid D. Taghirad has received his B.Sc. degree in mechanical engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 1989, his M.Sc. in mechanical engineering in 1993, and his Ph.D. in electrical engineering in 1997, both from McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

He is currently Professor and the dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and the Director of the Advanced Robotics and Automated System (ARAS) at K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. He is a senior member of IEEE, the chairman of IEEE control system chapter in Iran section, member of the board of Industrial Control Center of Excellence (ICCE), at K.N. Toosi University of Technology, editor in chief of Mechatronics Magazine, and Editorial board of International Journal of Robotics: Theory and Application, and International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. His research interest is robust and nonlinear control applied to robotic systems.

His publications include five books including Parallel Robots: Mechanics and Control, and more than 200 papers in international Journals and conference proceedings.

Seminar: Si, SiC, and GaN Power Semiconductor Devices – What to Choose? @ Room T129, Building T, Algonquin College
Sep 28 @ 18:00 – 20:00

Dr. Tanya K. Gachovska, Solantro Semiconductor Corp., Ottawa

TIME: Refreshments, Registration and Networking: 18:00; Seminar: 18:30 – 20:00.
PARKING: No fee after 5 p.m. at the Parking Lots 8 & 9. Please respect restricted areas.
REGISTRATION: Required, please email

Link to the official flyer


Wide bandgap semiconductors such as SiC and GaN have drawn a lot of attention in power applications due to their superior material properties such as high critical electric field resulting in a minimum of 10 times higher breakdown voltage or a 100 times smaller on-resistance than Si. Additionally, SiC has a thermal conductivity which is approximately three times higher than Si. These unique properties of SiC and GaN materials have made them promising candidates for future high power, high frequency semiconductor devices. In this talk, the speaker will present important material properties of Si, SiC and GaN and two different groups of figures of merit (FOM) used for comparison the performances of power semiconductor technologies and devices. The first group includes FOMs that are functions of the intrinsic material parameters and used to compare technologies or materials. The second group includes FOMs that are functions of the devices parameters and used to compare the devices performance in a power system. A comparison of Si, SiC and GaN devices from the same classes available in the market using different FOMs will also be presented.

Speaker’s Bio

Tanya Kirilova Gachovska received her B.Sc., M.Eng., and Ph.D. Degrees, all in Electrical Engineering, from the University of Ruse, Bulgaria, in 1994, 1995 and 2003, respectively. She earned her second Ph.D. Degree in Electrical Engineering (Power Electronics), at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), Lincoln, USA in 2012. Her Ph.D. thesis was “Modeling of Power Semiconductor Devices”. She worked as an Assistant Professor at the University of Ruse from 1999 to 2003. She conducted research from 2004 to 2006 and taught for a semester in 2006 at McGill University in Montreal. She worked as a Postdoctoral Research Scientist in the area of Pulsed Electric Fields at UNL from 2012 to 2013. During her Ph.D. Studies at UNL, she taught various courses and labs, and continued a collaboration in Pulsed Electric Fields research with McGill University, University of Ruse, University of Djiali Liabes, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria and École Nationale Supérieure Agronomique, El Harrach, Algeria. She joined Solantro Semiconductor, Corp., Canadian Office in Ottawa in 2013. Dr. Gachovska authored or co-authored more than 30 technical papers and conference presentations, two books, and holds a world patent in Pulsed Electric Fields.


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