
Introduction to IBM Cognos Analytics 11.1! @ 4359 Mackenzie Building
May 21 @ 18:00 – 19:30
Introduction to IBM Cognos Analytics 11.1! @ 4359 Mackenzie Building | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

Why should you attend?


·      Data analytics is a priority for many organizations

·      Many jobs now call for some level of analytic

·      Storytelling with data will soon become a “must
have” skill


What is Cognos Analytics?


“IBM® Cognos® Analytics integrates data preparation,
reporting, modeling, self-service analysis, dashboards, stories, event
management and now automated predictive analytics into one stack. Moreover, the
latest release makes extensive use of AI, including machine learning, natural
language processing (NLP) and natural language generation (NLG), in order to
automate as many features for the end user as possible, in an effort to make
BI, analytics and predictive analysis easy for business users.”


About the speaker:

Mohammed Omar Khan is an Offering Manager on the IBM Cognos
Analytics. He works with the development, design, sales, marketing, support and
more teams to make Cognos Analytics a leader in the BI market. He is a Carleton
University Alumni. Some of his achievements include 2nd place in Data Day 5.0
Poster Competition held at Carleton University, IBM VP Award, and IBM Managers
Choice Award


Algonquin College – School of Advanced Technology Career Fair @ Algonquin College
May 25 @ 09:00 – 13:00
Algonquin College - School of Advanced Technology Career Fair @ Algonquin College | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

Career Fair

Algonquin College – School of Advanced Technology


SATURDAY, MAY 25, 2019

9am to 1pm

Join the learner-driven workforce of one of the National Capital Region’s Top Employers.

Enjoy a career you can be proud of by helping our learners become the leaders of tomorrow. We are looking for part-time faculty members in the following programs:

• Aviation Management – General Arts and Science

• Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science

• Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technician

• Manufacturing Engineering Technician

• Mechanical Engineering Technology

• Computer Programmer

• Computer Systems Technician

• Computer Systems Technology – Security

• Bachelor of Information Technology – Network Technology


Technical Talk: Recent Results and Open Problems in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization @ Colonel By (CBY), Room A-707, University of Ottawa
May 30 @ 18:30 – 20:30
Technical Talk: Recent Results and Open Problems in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization @ Colonel By (CBY), Room A-707, University of Ottawa | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

You are invited to the technical talk entitled

Recent Results and Open Problems in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization


Thursday May 30th, 2019


6:15 PM Arrival and networking (light snacks available)

6:45 PM Approximate start of talk (40-60 mins)

7:45 – 8:00 PM Q&A period

8:00 – 8:30 PM Post-talk networking and discussion


Colonel By (CBY) A-707

Faculty of Engineering
University of Ottawa
161 Louis Pasteur Private, Ottawa, K1N 6N5

admission is free but registration is required on EventBrite


Professor Carlos Coello, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico, IEEE CIS Distinguished Lecturer


Evolutionary algorithms (as well as a number of other metaheuristics) have become a popular choice for solving problems having two or more (often conflicting) objectives (the so-called multi-objective optimization problems). This area, known as EMOO (Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization) has had an important growth in the last 15 years, and several people (particularly newcomers) get the impression that it is now very difficult to make contributions of sufficient value to justify, for example, a PhD thesis. However, a lot of interesting research is still under way. In this talk, we will review some of the research topics on evolutionary multi-objective optimization that are currently attracting a lot of interest (e.g., handling many objectives, hybridization, indicator-based selection, use of surrogates, etc.) and which represent good opportunities for doing research. Some of the challenges currently faced by this discipline will also be delineated.

Speaker Biography

Carlos Artemio Coello Coello received a PhD in Computer Science from Tulane University (USA) in 1996. His research has mainly focused on the design of new multi-objective optimization algorithms based on bio-inspired metaheuristics, which is an area in which he has made pioneering contributions. He currently has over 470 publications which, according to Google Scholar, report over 43,900 citations (with an h-index of 83). He has received several awards, including the National Research Award (in 2007) from the Mexican Academy of Science (in the area of exact sciences), the 2009 Medal to the Scientific Merit from Mexico City’s congress, the Ciudad Capital: Heberto Castillo 2011 Award for scientists under the age of 45, in Basic Science, the 2012 Scopus Award (Mexico’s edition) for being the most highly cited scientist in engineering in the 5 years previous to the award and the 2012 National Medal of Science in Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences from Mexico’s presidency (this is the most important award that a scientist can receive in Mexico). He is also the recipient of the prestigious 2013 IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award, “for pioneering contributions to single- and multiobjective optimization techniques using bioinspired metaheuristics” and of the 2016 The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) Award in “Engineering Sciences”. Since January 2011, he is an IEEE Fellow. He is also Associate Editor of several journals including the two most prestigious in his area: IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation and Evolutionary Computation. He is currently Vicepresident for Member Activities of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS), an IEEE CIS Distinguished Lecturer and Full Professor with distinction at the Computer Science Department of CINVESTAV-IPN in Mexico City, Mexico.


IEEE Ottawa Seminar Series on AI and Machine Learning – Application of Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis
Jun 26 @ 11:30 – 13:30

IEEE Ottawa Seminar Series on AI and Machine Learning

Hosted by IEEE Ottawa PHO Chapter, EMBS Chapter, CS Chapter, and SP Chapter Jointly with Vitesse Reskilling

Application of
Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis

Fatemeh Zabihollahy

Carleton University


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

359 Terry Fox Drive, Suite 200, Kanata, Ontario

11:30 – 13:30


Medical imaging, (e.g., computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), mammography, ultrasound,
X-ray) has advanced at a rapid speed over last decades. Currently, the medical
image interpretation is mostly performed by human experts, which is a tedious
task and subject to high inter-operator variability. Deep learning is providing
exciting solutions for medical image analysis problems. Recent advances in deep
learning have helped to identify, classify, and quantify patterns in medical
images. In this seminar, we introduce the principles and methods of deep
learning concepts, particularly convolutional neural network (CNN). We show how
CNN operates. I will describe several interesting applications of deep learning
for medical image analysis, including my recent works on segmenting myocardial
scar (injured) tissue in the heart, prostate tumor detection, and kidney lesion
localization in 3D MRI and CT images.


Fatemeh Zabihollahy is currently
a Ph.D. candidate at Carleton University. She obtained her MASc (2016) and BASc
(2001) both in Biomedical Engineering from Carleton University, Canada and
Shahid Beheshti University, Iran, respectively. She worked in the medical
devices industry as an R&D engineer for ten years. Her research interest is
in the field of application of deep learning techniques for medical image


is free, but space is limited.  All
participants must register in advance.   

follow the link to register


For more information, please contact: Kexing Liu

GNSS Antennas for Autonomous Vehicles: What You Need to Know! @ 4359 Mackenzie Building, Carleton University
Jul 17 @ 18:00 – 19:00

Antennas for Autonomous Vehicles:

What You Need to Know!


and reliable positioning recently became a critical property of autonomous
vehicles like drones, driverless cars and more. Tallysman Wireless will explain
why the GNSS antenna is the most important component for accurate positioning
and will present the challenges of selecting the appropriate GNSS antenna for
diverse types of autonomous vehicles. Multiple properties of a GNSS antenna
like its phase center variation, ability to reject interferences or multipath
and sensibility to its environment will be analysed and guide lines will be


Refreshments will be served!

Location: 4359 Mackenzie Building, Carleton University.


Time: 6:00 – 7:00 PM

Date: July 17th , 2019



Hautcoeur received the M.Sc. degree in radio communication systems and
electronics from the Ecole Polytechnique of the University of Nantes, Nantes,
France, in 2007 and the Ph.D. degree in signal processing and
telecommunications from the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications of
Rennes 1, Rennes, France, in 2011. In 2011, he was involved in postdoctoral
training at the University of Quebec in Outaouais (UQO), Gatineau, QC, Canada.
His research field was optically transparent antenna systems for telecommunications.
Since 2014 he works at Tallysman Wireless in Ottawa, Canada and specialized in
the design of high performance GNSS antennas and associated electronics.


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