
Technical Talk: Recent Results and Open Problems in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization @ Colonel By (CBY), Room A-707, University of Ottawa
May 30 @ 18:30 – 20:30
Technical Talk: Recent Results and Open Problems in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization @ Colonel By (CBY), Room A-707, University of Ottawa | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

You are invited to the technical talk entitled

Recent Results and Open Problems in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization


Thursday May 30th, 2019


6:15 PM Arrival and networking (light snacks available)

6:45 PM Approximate start of talk (40-60 mins)

7:45 – 8:00 PM Q&A period

8:00 – 8:30 PM Post-talk networking and discussion


Colonel By (CBY) A-707

Faculty of Engineering
University of Ottawa
161 Louis Pasteur Private, Ottawa, K1N 6N5

admission is free but registration is required on EventBrite


Professor Carlos Coello, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico, IEEE CIS Distinguished Lecturer


Evolutionary algorithms (as well as a number of other metaheuristics) have become a popular choice for solving problems having two or more (often conflicting) objectives (the so-called multi-objective optimization problems). This area, known as EMOO (Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization) has had an important growth in the last 15 years, and several people (particularly newcomers) get the impression that it is now very difficult to make contributions of sufficient value to justify, for example, a PhD thesis. However, a lot of interesting research is still under way. In this talk, we will review some of the research topics on evolutionary multi-objective optimization that are currently attracting a lot of interest (e.g., handling many objectives, hybridization, indicator-based selection, use of surrogates, etc.) and which represent good opportunities for doing research. Some of the challenges currently faced by this discipline will also be delineated.

Speaker Biography

Carlos Artemio Coello Coello received a PhD in Computer Science from Tulane University (USA) in 1996. His research has mainly focused on the design of new multi-objective optimization algorithms based on bio-inspired metaheuristics, which is an area in which he has made pioneering contributions. He currently has over 470 publications which, according to Google Scholar, report over 43,900 citations (with an h-index of 83). He has received several awards, including the National Research Award (in 2007) from the Mexican Academy of Science (in the area of exact sciences), the 2009 Medal to the Scientific Merit from Mexico City’s congress, the Ciudad Capital: Heberto Castillo 2011 Award for scientists under the age of 45, in Basic Science, the 2012 Scopus Award (Mexico’s edition) for being the most highly cited scientist in engineering in the 5 years previous to the award and the 2012 National Medal of Science in Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences from Mexico’s presidency (this is the most important award that a scientist can receive in Mexico). He is also the recipient of the prestigious 2013 IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award, “for pioneering contributions to single- and multiobjective optimization techniques using bioinspired metaheuristics” and of the 2016 The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) Award in “Engineering Sciences”. Since January 2011, he is an IEEE Fellow. He is also Associate Editor of several journals including the two most prestigious in his area: IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation and Evolutionary Computation. He is currently Vicepresident for Member Activities of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS), an IEEE CIS Distinguished Lecturer and Full Professor with distinction at the Computer Science Department of CINVESTAV-IPN in Mexico City, Mexico.


Fields-CQAM Public Lectures: What is missing from common practice in machine learning? @ Carleton University
Jun 20 @ 19:00 – 20:00

Fields-CQAM Public Lectures: Ali Ghodsi, University of Waterloo


What is missing from common practice in machine learning?

AI, and machine learning in particular, is enjoying its golden age. Machine learning has changed the face of the world over the past two decades but we are still a long way from achieving a general artificial intelligence. In this talk, I will discuss a couple of elements that I believe are missing from common practice in machine learning, including incorporating causality and creating a new framework for unsupervised learning.




Ali Ghodsi is a Professor in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Waterloo. His research involves statistical machine-learning methods. Ghodsi’s research spans a variety of areas in computational statistics. He studies theoretical frameworks and develops new machine learning algorithms for analyzing large-scale data sets, with applications to bioinformatics, data mining, pattern recognition, robotics, computer vision, and sequential decision making.




6:00 PM – 7:00 PM.


7:00 PM – 8:00 PM.




FIELDS CENTRE OF QUANTITATIVE MODELLING AND ANALYSIS: WORKSHOP ON Machine Learning in the Presence of Class Imbalance @ Residence Commons, Carleton University
Jun 21 @ 08:30 – 16:30
FIELDS CENTRE OF QUANTITATIVE MODELLING AND ANALYSIS: WORKSHOP ON Machine Learning in the Presence of Class Imbalance @ Residence Commons, Carleton University | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada


8:30 am – 9:00 am Registration
9:00 am – 9:15 am Opening Remarks Rafik Goubran Carleton University
9:15 am – 10:00 am Keynote Presentation:

Data Mining and Machine Learning for Authorship and Malware Analyses

Benjamin C. M. Fung
McGill University
10:00 am – 10:30 am Break
10:30 am – 11:45 am Cybersecurity: Top 5 class imbalance ML challenges and data sets
Stephan Jou
Class Imbalance in Fraud Detection
Robin Grosset
MindBridge Analytics Inc.
Handling class imbalance in natural language processing
Isuru Gunasekara
IMRSV Data Labs
11:45 am – 12:45 pm Lunch
12:30 pm – 2:10 pm Adaptive learning with class imbalanced streams
Herna L. Viktor
University of Ottawa
Radar-based fall monitoring using deep learning
Hamidreza Sadreazami
McGill University
Privacy-preserving data augmentation in medical text analysis
Isar Nejadgholi
National Research Council
Failure modelling of a propulsion subsystem: unsupervised and semi-supervised approaches to anomaly detection
Julio J. Valdés
National Research Council
2:10 pm – 2:25 pm Break
2:25 pm – 3:40 pm TBD Reddy Nellipudi DB Schenker Hierarchical Sentence Classification in Unstructured Audit Reports
Daniel Shapiro
Deep Learning techniques for unsupervised anomaly detection
Dušan Sovilj
RANK Software Inc.
3:40 pm – 3:50 pm Closing Remarks


5G for Smart Everything: From Smart Meters to the New Power Grid. What is needed to get there? @ Building M-36, National Research Council (NRC) Canada
Nov 12 @ 14:00 – 15:00

Title: 5G for Smart Everything: From Smart Meters to the New Power Grid. What is needed to get there ?

Speaker: Akshay Sharma, Executive Research Fellow, neXtCurve:

Date/Time: Tuesday, November 12, 2019, from 2 – 3 pm.

Admission: Free, but registration is required for security purposes. Please contact by e-mail: branislav or


Abstract: This talk discusses how 5G with Edge Computing, and Ultra-low latency (sub-5ms) with Gigabit speed bandwidth will be a game changer with Smart Meters and a new Electric Grid can be enabled with Smart Lamposts. As we transition to DevOps, AIOps, newer Closed Loop Automation systems will occur. As we connect AI-powered Virtual Personal Assistants to IoT devices in the home, now we have to imagine the entire macro-infrastructures being all hyper-connected. What is needed to get there will be discussed at the seminar.


Speaker’s Bio: Akshay Sharma is originally from Ottawa, B. Eng Computer Systems Engineering from Carleton, a tech analyst, formerly from Gartner, having authored or co-authored over 280 research notes, on emerging technologies like SD-WAN, 5G, mobile video, cloud CDN, IoT, etc. in the past decade. A frequent speaker at tech events, he is often quoted in leading institutions like CNN, Wall St. Journal, etc. He is a former CTO of one of the first video/WiFi smartphone firms, former Chief Architect at Siemens Mobile, and has been given awards by the NJ IEEE Chapter on talks he gave on 5G and Cybersecurity. He is on the tech advisory board for 5G and DevOps startups: LB-N, Kovair, along with others. Mr Sharma’s recent publications include: Search Results for “akshay” – neXt Curve

Digital Marketing – Tools and Methodologies @ RA Centre
Feb 20 @ 19:30 – 21:00

Digital Marketing — Tools and Methodologies

Joint presentation IEEE Ottawa Section Consultants Network and IET Ottawa LN

Not your Grandmother’s Marketing – The impact of SaaS and AI

 Since Google’s arrival on the scene in the late 1990’s,
marketing took a turn to digital, never to look back again.  With the proliferation of technologies such
as Artificial Intelligence, and novel business models like
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), marketing tools and techniques continue to
rapidly evolve.  Our eyes glued to
screens of devices of all sizes, we are at the same time a willing victim and a
reluctant participant in the marketing dance in both our professional and
personal lives.  These combined bring a
huge democratization of marketing for businesses, allowing for successful
growth in the most unlikely locations.

Speaker: Dobrila Rancic Moogk

Dobrila is VP Marketing at Giatec Scientific, an IoT company
revolutionizing concrete testing.
Through her work in and with start-ups on strategic marketing, Dobrila’s
passion for accelerating commercialization of innovation results in significant
growth and scale-up.  This is combined
with her drive to lead her university students to stellar career starts by
passing on her cutting-edge SaaS marketing skills to the next generation of
business leaders.

 Over her 25 years’
experience in the high-tech industry spanning North America
and Europe, she held marketing and R&D leadership
positions with dynamic corporations such as Bell-Northern Research, LSI
Logic, and MOSAID, among others.  Dobrila
has a BSEE, as well as Master of Engineering, and MBA degrees from University
of Ottawa.

 She is a member of
the Board of Directors of Invest Ottawa and Bayview Yards, the Community Impact
Cabinet at United Way East Ontario,
past chair of Volunteer Ottawa, and past vice-chair of the Women in Engineering
and Computer Science at University of

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