
IEEE Young Professional Reception at the 2019 WiSEE Conference @ Sidedoor Restaurent
Oct 16 @ 18:00 – 20:00
IEEE Young Professional Reception at the 2019 WiSEE Conference @ Sidedoor Restaurent | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

Young Professionals Reception

During the 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WISEE 2019)

Wednesday, October 16th from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Sidedoor Restaurant

18b York St, Ottawa, ON K1N 5T5

IEEE Ottawa Young Professionals (YPs) and IEEE WiSEE’2019 Organizing Committee invite all YPs in Ottawa and those attending the 2019 IEEE WiSEE Conference to join the Young Professionals Reception on Wednesday, October 16th, 2019 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM taking place at Sidedoor restaurant at 18b York St, Ottawa, K1N 5T5. Come ready to meet WiSEE Keynote Speakers, Industry intellects, and other Young Professionals, and learn about the different opportunities available through the IEEE and the Young Professionals Program.

The IEEE Young Professionals Program is aimed at supporting IEEE members at an early stage in their career, up to 15 years after their first degree, by helping them evaluate their career goals, polish their professional image, and create building blocks of a lifelong and diverse professional network.


The Lightning Phenomenon @ 4124-ME (Meckenzie Building), Carleton University
Oct 22 @ 12:00 – 13:00

IEEE  Distinguished Lecturer Presentation hosted jointly by the IEEE Ottawa EMC and CASS/SSCS/EDS Chapters:


Speaker  :     Dr. Marcos Rubinstein, Professor, University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland

Topic    :     The Lightning Phenomenon

Date     :     Tuesday October 22, 2019

Time     :     12(noon) – 1pm

Location :     4124-ME (Meckenzie Building), Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa – K1S5B6


Registration:  Free, Please E-mail Ram Achar (

Refreshments: Served


Parking  : Payment based Metered Parking spots in the campus



               Ram Achar, Dept. of Electronics, Carleton University

               Chairman CASS/SSCS/EDS Chapters


               Dr. Syed Bokhari, Chairman, IEEE Ottawa EMC chapter



Lightning is one of the primary causes of damage and malfunction of telecommunication and power networks and one of the leading causes of weather-related deaths and injuries.

Lightning is composed of numerous physical processes, of which only a few are visible to the naked eye.

This lecture presents various aspects of the lightning phenomenon, its main processes and the technologies that have been developed to assess the parameters that are important for engineering and scientific applications. These parameters include the channel-base current and its associated electromagnetic fields.

The measurement techniques for these parameters are intrinsically difficult due to the randomness of the phenomenon and to the harsh electromagnetic environment created by the lightning itself.

Besides the measurement of the lightning parameters, warning and insurance applications require the real-time detection and location of the lightning strike point. The main classical and emerging lightning detection and location techniques, including those used in currently available commercial lightning location systems will be described in the lecture. The newly proposed Electromagnetic Time Reversal technique, which has the potential to revolutionize lightning location will also be presented.



Marcos Rubinstein received the Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Florida, Gainesville.

In the decade of the 1990’s, he worked as a research engineer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne and as a program manager at Swisscom in the areas of electromagnetic compatibility and lightning. Since 2001, he is a professor at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland HES-SO, Yverdon-les-Bains, where he is currently responsible for the advanced Communication Technologies Group. He is the author or coauthor of 300 scientific publications in reviewed journals and international conferences. He is also the coauthor of nine book chapters and the co-editor of a book on time reversal. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Open Atmospheric Science Journal, and currently serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on EMC.

Prof. Rubinstein received the best Master’s Thesis award from the University of Florida, the IEEE achievement award and he is a co-recipient of the NASA’s Recognition for Innovative Technological Work award. He also received the ICLP Karl Berger award. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and an EMP Fellow, a member of the Swiss Academy of Sciences and of the International Union of Radio Science.

5G for Smart Everything: From Smart Meters to the New Power Grid. What is needed to get there? @ Building M-36, National Research Council (NRC) Canada
Nov 12 @ 14:00 – 15:00

Title: 5G for Smart Everything: From Smart Meters to the New Power Grid. What is needed to get there ?

Speaker: Akshay Sharma, Executive Research Fellow, neXtCurve:

Date/Time: Tuesday, November 12, 2019, from 2 – 3 pm.

Admission: Free, but registration is required for security purposes. Please contact by e-mail: branislav or


Abstract: This talk discusses how 5G with Edge Computing, and Ultra-low latency (sub-5ms) with Gigabit speed bandwidth will be a game changer with Smart Meters and a new Electric Grid can be enabled with Smart Lamposts. As we transition to DevOps, AIOps, newer Closed Loop Automation systems will occur. As we connect AI-powered Virtual Personal Assistants to IoT devices in the home, now we have to imagine the entire macro-infrastructures being all hyper-connected. What is needed to get there will be discussed at the seminar.


Speaker’s Bio: Akshay Sharma is originally from Ottawa, B. Eng Computer Systems Engineering from Carleton, a tech analyst, formerly from Gartner, having authored or co-authored over 280 research notes, on emerging technologies like SD-WAN, 5G, mobile video, cloud CDN, IoT, etc. in the past decade. A frequent speaker at tech events, he is often quoted in leading institutions like CNN, Wall St. Journal, etc. He is a former CTO of one of the first video/WiFi smartphone firms, former Chief Architect at Siemens Mobile, and has been given awards by the NJ IEEE Chapter on talks he gave on 5G and Cybersecurity. He is on the tech advisory board for 5G and DevOps startups: LB-N, Kovair, along with others. Mr Sharma’s recent publications include: Search Results for “akshay” – neXt Curve

Introduction to HamRadio @ Carleton University, Tory Building Room: 230
Nov 27 @ 17:00 – 19:00

IEEE YP Ottawa Section: Introduction to Amateur Radio Certification


Introduction to Amateur Radio Certification

Presenters: Mike Kennedy and Anis Ben Arfi

This workshop covers the basics of Amateur Radio including:

  • How to obtain your license
  • Demonstrations
  • Hands on!
  • Ready to get on the air?

Date: Wednesday, November 27th, 2019 (5:00 – 7:00 PM)

Location: Carleton University, Tory Building Room: 230!


Snacks and refreshments provided!


For more information, visit the following:

Clarifying the Path to becoming a P.Eng. with Representatives from Professional Engineers Ontario
Feb 27 @ 18:00 – 19:30
Clarifying the Path to becoming a P.Eng. with Representatives from Professional Engineers Ontario

A joint event by IEEE YP & WIE Ottawa!


WHO? Representatives from Professional Engineers Ontario
WHAT? Clarifying the Path to becoming a P.Eng.

you are an engineering undergraduate or post-graduate student, or a
recent graduate starting out your engineering career, then this seminar
might be for you. In it you will learn:

  • What is PEO?
  • What engineering experience is PEO looking for once I graduate?
  • I have international engineering education and experience; how is that evaluated by PEO?
  • How is my engineering experience evaluated by PEO?
  • How do I prepare my Experience Record?
  • What is the PPE?
  • What is the EIT Program and the Student Membership program?

Carleton University,
Minto Centre (MC) 5050
Paid Parking Available –

Thursday, February 27th, 2020
6:00PM to 7:30PM

Free for all – You MUST pre-register!

IEEE Ottawa Section Logo

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