
The Future of Power Electronics: Wide bandgap devices and advanced digital power processors @ Solantro semiconductor corp.
Jun 20 @ 17:00 – 19:30
The Future of Power Electronics: Wide bandgap devices and advanced digital power processors @ Solantro semiconductor corp. | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada


The IEEE Reliability Society & Power Electronics Society Joint Ottawa Chapter and PELS Student Chapter are inviting all interested IEEE members and prospective members to celebrate the 1st PELS Day  with a seminar and tour in Solantro’s labs


The Future of Power Electronics:  

wide bandgap devices and advanced digital power processors


Tanya Gachovska and Chris Winkler



June 20th, 2019


    Refreshments, Registration and Networking: 17:00

    Seminar: 17:30 – 18:30;

    Trip: 18:30 19:30


    Solantro Semiconductor Corp.

    146 Colonnade Rd; Suite 200; Ottawa ON, Canada; K2E 7Y1



Wide bandgap semiconductors have drawn a lot of attention in power applications due to their superior material properties, such as withstand to high critical electric field so the breakdown voltage is a minimum of 10X higher and thus can be thinner devices because of the 100 times smaller on-resistance than Si. Their significantly smaller conduction and switching losses compared to Si devices enable high-frequency switching leading to size decrease of the overall system. Smart control of wide bandgap devices, by utilizing advanced digital processors, further benefits power application by enabling designs with low parts count, high power density and a low BOM cost. Also, by supporting variable frequency operation and control methodologies, low EMI/RFI and high efficiency can be achieved. Presented will be some benefits of wide bandgap semiconductors and their control with Solantro’s advanced digital power processor (SA4041) for Smart Power Supplies, and other applications.

After the presentation, a tour showing the Smart Grid project together with Solantro’s Power development, operation and testing labs will be conducted. Solantro engineers will be happy to answer questions during the tour.


Free: Register by email:

Since the event is at
Solantro and the space is limited, only people registered for the event will
be admitted

IEEE Ottawa Seminar Series on AI and Machine Learning – Application of Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis
Jun 26 @ 11:30 – 13:30

IEEE Ottawa Seminar Series on AI and Machine Learning

Hosted by IEEE Ottawa PHO Chapter, EMBS Chapter, CS Chapter, and SP Chapter Jointly with Vitesse Reskilling

Application of
Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis

Fatemeh Zabihollahy

Carleton University


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

359 Terry Fox Drive, Suite 200, Kanata, Ontario

11:30 – 13:30


Medical imaging, (e.g., computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), mammography, ultrasound,
X-ray) has advanced at a rapid speed over last decades. Currently, the medical
image interpretation is mostly performed by human experts, which is a tedious
task and subject to high inter-operator variability. Deep learning is providing
exciting solutions for medical image analysis problems. Recent advances in deep
learning have helped to identify, classify, and quantify patterns in medical
images. In this seminar, we introduce the principles and methods of deep
learning concepts, particularly convolutional neural network (CNN). We show how
CNN operates. I will describe several interesting applications of deep learning
for medical image analysis, including my recent works on segmenting myocardial
scar (injured) tissue in the heart, prostate tumor detection, and kidney lesion
localization in 3D MRI and CT images.


Fatemeh Zabihollahy is currently
a Ph.D. candidate at Carleton University. She obtained her MASc (2016) and BASc
(2001) both in Biomedical Engineering from Carleton University, Canada and
Shahid Beheshti University, Iran, respectively. She worked in the medical
devices industry as an R&D engineer for ten years. Her research interest is
in the field of application of deep learning techniques for medical image


is free, but space is limited.  All
participants must register in advance.   

follow the link to register


For more information, please contact: Kexing Liu

The dedication of the IEEE engineering milestone “First Search and Rescue Using Satellite Technology, 1982” @ Canada Aviation and Space Museum
Sep 9 @ 14:00 – 15:30

The Ottawa Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Canada Aviation and Space Museum cordially invite you to:

The dedication of the IEEE engineering milestone “First Search and Rescue Using Satellite Technology, 1982”

Join us at the museum for this special event, where we will also celebrate space-related technical achievements as part of the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of humans landing on the Moon.

The keynote speaker at the dedication ceremony is renowned Canadian astronaut, Dr. Robert Thirsk. Special guests include IEEE President, Dr. José Moura, and IEEE Canada President, Dr. Maike Luiken.

A dedication and unveiling ceremony for two plaques (English and French), recognizing the historical significance of this satellite technology application.

Monday, September 9, 2019 at 2 p.m.

The grounds of the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, 11 Aviation Parkway, Ottawa, ON.


2 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.:

  • Opening remarks and welcome by IEEE Ottawa Section Chair, Dr. Winnie Ye, and IEEE History Committee Chair, Dr. Branislav Djokic
  • Welcome address by the Director General of the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, Mr. Chris Kitzan
  • Historical perspective on this IEEE milestone by Dr. Michael A. Stott
  • Welcome address by IEEE Canada President, Dr. Maike Luiken, and IEEE President, Dr. José Moura
  • Keynote speech by Dr. Robert Thirsk
  • Unveiling of the plaques by Dr. Robert Thirsk
  • Closing remarks by IEEE Ottawa Section Vice-Chair, Mr. Ajit Pardasani

2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.:

  • Light refreshments and networking


Ajit Pardasani at by September 3, 2019.



Open Source Development Forum – Wed. 18-September @ Innovation Centre at Bayview yards
Sep 18 @ 08:30 – 17:30
Open Source Development Forum - Wed. 18-September @ Innovation Centre at Bayview yards | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

The inaugural OSDforum will take place in Ottawa this September 18. It is of interest to System architects, software designers, hardware designers and researchers from government, industry and academia.

RISC-V is the 5th generation of the Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC-V) Instruction-Set Architecture (ISA), the OpenHW Group is a not-for-profit global organisation aiming to boost the adoption of open-source processors by providing a platform for collaboration, creating a focal point for ecosystem development, and offering open-source IP for processor cores.

Don’t miss out the opportunity to join this exciting new development platform and get your own RISC-V development board to keep. All this while learning from leading industry and academic experts focused on IoT, Edge and Machine Learning development that leverage open source SW and HW.

Space is limited and we have all indications that the event will sell out. Register today.

IEEE Young Professional Reception at the 2019 WiSEE Conference @ Sidedoor Restaurent
Oct 16 @ 18:00 – 20:00
IEEE Young Professional Reception at the 2019 WiSEE Conference @ Sidedoor Restaurent | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

Young Professionals Reception

During the 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WISEE 2019)

Wednesday, October 16th from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Sidedoor Restaurant

18b York St, Ottawa, ON K1N 5T5

IEEE Ottawa Young Professionals (YPs) and IEEE WiSEE’2019 Organizing Committee invite all YPs in Ottawa and those attending the 2019 IEEE WiSEE Conference to join the Young Professionals Reception on Wednesday, October 16th, 2019 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM taking place at Sidedoor restaurant at 18b York St, Ottawa, K1N 5T5. Come ready to meet WiSEE Keynote Speakers, Industry intellects, and other Young Professionals, and learn about the different opportunities available through the IEEE and the Young Professionals Program.

The IEEE Young Professionals Program is aimed at supporting IEEE members at an early stage in their career, up to 15 years after their first degree, by helping them evaluate their career goals, polish their professional image, and create building blocks of a lifelong and diverse professional network.


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