Workshop: Big Data in Building Operations

2017-06-27 – 2017-06-28 all day
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

The objective of this workshop is to bring domain experts from industry, academia, and federal research laboratories together to identify future research and development needs and to foster interdisciplinary collaboration. We are extending this invitation to a diverse group of experts with background in residential and commercial building automation and controls, facilities planning and management, building energy modelling and auditing, sensor development, and data analytics. The agenda is included below:

Day 1: Current state and future challenges in building data analytics applications (9 am to 5 pm)

  • Session 1: Smart Maintenance and Retrofits – Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostics, Prognostics, Remote auditing
  • Session 2: Smart Control of the Indoor Climate – Model-based predictive controls, Adaptive occupant-centric controls, Demand response, Smart grid

Day 2: Advances in sensing technologies in buildings (9 am to 12 pm)

  • Session 1: Integrated room control and sensor hubs, Printable electronics to printable sensors, Low-cost data streams for sensing (virtual sensors)

The workshop is sponsored by The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Registration to the workshop is free of charge. The registration includes a working lunch, coffee breaks, and a reception dinner on June 27.

Please, complete this form to indicate your availability ( And, please indicate if you are interested in being part of a discussion panel and/or presenting your research and development updates. If there is someone that you would consider collaborating in the future, indicate her/his name in the form so that we ensure to include her/him in our invitee list. Also, please do not forget to indicate any dietary restrictions/preferences and if you’d require a parking pass. Summer accommodation is available in Carleton University Residences.

We look forward to seeing you all in June 27-28 in Ottawa. Remember that it is Canada’s 150th anniversary and it is the best time to visit Nation’s Capital ( Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Ruth Tamas ( is kindly helping us in the organization of the workshop. Details will follow as the attendees and panelists are confirmed.

Burak Gunay, Ph.D. and Weiming Shen, Ph.D., P.Eng.

Burak Gunay

Assistant Professor, PhD
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
1 (613) 520-2600 x 3357
Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn

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